I apologize for being a day late and a dollar short with the blog.
Monday - John 13:12-17, Jude 1-7; Job 21:1-21; Daniel 7-8
Tuesday - John 13:18-30; Jude 8-16; Job 21:22-34; Daniel 9
Wednesday - John 13:31-38; Jude 17-25; Job 22; Daniel 10-12
Thursday - Sunday is for catch up or review or more reflection on the passages already read. Have a great week.
Happy Wednesday! Almost one week to Thanksgiving Day. I hope you are thankful for the blessings you have received.
I hope the Lord is speaking to you through His Word. What is He saying to you? I would love for you to share with me how the Lord has been working.
As I was reading in John this week, I was reading about Mary and Martha talking to Jesus after Lazarus had died. In John 11:38 - 40, Martha is telling Jesus that it is hopeless. They can't move the stone because Lazarus already stinks.(v 39) It is amazing Jesus' response. "Didn't I tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God?"
What a powerful thought that in the face of difficult times, God is getting ready to reveal His glory. I believe, I am trusting Him to move in the midst of difficult situations to show His glory. Are you believing? Are you ready to see the glory of God in your life? I hope that is your great desire.
Random thought of the day: It doesn't matter so much who you are when everyone is around if you don't live well when no one is.
Good Monday to all. Here is the reading list for this week :
Monday - John 11:38-44, I John 3:19-24; Job 15:1-16; Ezekiel 40-41
Tuesday - John 11:45-57; I John 4:1-6; Job 15:17-35; Ezekiel 42-44
Wednesday - John 12:1-11; I John 4:7-21; Job 16; Ezekiel 45-47
Thursday - John 12:12-19; I John 5:1-12; Job 17; Ezekiel 48
Friday - John 12:20-36; I John 5:13-21; Job 18; Daniel 1-2
Saturday - John 12:37-50; 2 John; Job 19; Daniel 3-4
Sunday - John 13:1-11; 3 John; Job 20; Daniel 5-6
Happy reading. Look for a post soon.
Friday is here and I hope everyone has had a productive week. I have enjoyed my time in the Word and I pray God is speaking to you as you read also. I was reading Job 11 yesterday and then 12 ad even the first part of 13 because I was fascinated by Zophar and Job's conversation. You can hear Zophar's pious response to Job's situation. He is espousing all of these attributes of God and how wrong Job is for talking to God in such a way. Zophar has not experienced any of the pain or heartache of Job and he stands on the outside judging Job for the way he is handling it. Job fires back in chapter 12 and 13 to Zophar's reasonings. Basically Job says listen, everything you have said is things I already know and in a greater and deeper way than you. You guys are no help at all. Then, in verse 5 of chapter 13 Job says, "If only you would shut up and let that be your wisdom."
For us what Job was saying is that the "Sunday School" answer is not always what is needed. What Zophar needed to do was not regurgitate all of his knowledge to Job, he needed to get down and feel Job's pain and empathize with a hurting friend. Zophar had no idea of the depth of pain and emotion Job was dealing with and his piousness was no good for Job. How often do we callously deal with others who are going through difficult times without ever trying to get a sense of where they are or what they are going through. Many times in painful situations a friend might need us to bind their wounds and ease their pain much more than they need our advice.
What great things the Lord desires to do in our lives as His followers. John 10:10 today says I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly. More abundant than we could ever imagine! It is abundant for those who hear His voice and follow Him.(v.4) It is not for those who love the world and the things of the world. (I John 2:15-17) The love of the wrong things keeps us from experiencing God's best. I am praying for God to accomplish unexplainable moments in my life. I love the story of Jesus healing the blind man in John 9. I don't know much about this Jesus, but I do know this... I was blind but now I see! It was an unexplainable moment. I am looking for God to show up in power in my life that the only way it could be explained is by His power. Why don't we spend more time seeking God for His unexplainable moments. What burden or pain or worry are you carrying today? Trust God for an unexplainable moment in that situation. Love Him, know His voice, follow Him and do not love the world or its things. Then, we will see more and more of these moments.
I was reading a devotion this morning from David Jeremiah this morning saying exactly what has been the emphasis of our challenge in the Word. If you would like to read it, go to www.davidjeremiah.org/site/magazine.aspx?id=4408. It is going right along with the importance of being in the Word and obeying the Word. It was a confirmation in my spirit.
Good Morning all,
I should have probably posted the weekly schedule yesterday, so you could be ready for the new week. I will try to do that next week. I hope you are being blessed and encouraged through the readings. Once again, I want to remind you that you do not have to read all of the suggested readings to participate. The main goal is to get what you read into your heart and let the Lord speak to you through His Word. I would love to hear comments and insights from you as you read.
Monday - John 9:13-25, I John 1:5-10; Job 9:1-20; Ezekiel 24-26
Tuesday - John 9:26-41; I John 2:1-11; Job 9:21-35; Ezekiel 27-28
Wednesday - John 10:1-10; I John 2:12-17; Job 10; Ezekiel 29-30
Thursday - John 10:11-21; I John 2:18-23; Job 11; Ezekiel 31-32
Friday - John 10:22-42; I John 2:24-29; Job 12; Ezekiel 33-34
Saturday - John 11:1-16; I John 3:1-10; Job 13; Ezekiel 35-37
Sunday - John 11:17-37; I John 3:11-18; Job 14; Ezekiel 38-39
I look forward to hearing from you this week. Remember, the Word is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword. Get His Word into you and He will begin to transform us!
Love in the Lord,
"Then they will know that I am the Lord." As God speaks through Ezekiel He consistently uses this phrase. In the midst of pronouncing judgements on the wickedness of Israel He constantly reminds them that He is the Lord God. All of the idols of the Israelites could not compare to the Lord God. He was making that abundantly clear in His decalrations. How sad that it was made known in the midst of judgement. How great it is that we can know that He is the Lord God through His mighty work in and through us. The passages in John and 2 Peter show that we don't have to wait on God's judgement to know His awesome work, we can know it through all He desires to do in us. In 2 Peter 1:16, Peter says, "we were eyewitnesses to His majesty." How great is that?
Today, as God's children, we have a choice. Will we see the majesty of God through how He moves and works powerfully through us, or will He have to show us by His judgement because we have put other "idols" ahead of Him? Choose today to walk with Him, remove all other allegiances, and see His glory displayed in your life.
PS - you can post comments now!
I love the truths that are presented in the first few readings this week.
In John 7, Jesus encourages all who are thirsty to come to Him and drink. He promises in verse 38 that streams of living water will flow from him - that the Holy Spirit will flow out of us who are His. John 8:12, Jesus says "I am the light of the world, anyone who follows after me will NEVER walk in darkness, but have the light of life." It ties together with 2 Peters reading. In chapter 1:3-11 is a great passage of promise for living in Christ's way. Verse 3 says His divine power has given us everything required for life and godliness. What great and precious promises the Lord gives to allow us to partake in the divine nature.
Do you believe this? We must take the Word at its word. We must speak the Word into our life, to burn it upon our hearts and to allow it to have its work in us. All the promises of God are true. We must accept them and walk in them. What a wonderful promise we see in these words.
I encourage all of you to read the Word. Remember, you don't have to read all of the suggested readings, but get the Word in you so that you can be transformed, that yo0ur mind can be renewed.
Love to all,
Good Morning everyone,
I know it has been awhile since my last blog, but I am back on task! I have challenged the members of my church to be more into the revealed Word of God, the Bible, and to allow the Holy Spirit to illuminate the Word to them. In order to help all of us, beginning today I will be posting daily Scripture readings. I will be posting blogs a few times a week on the Scripture for the day. I would love for all of you to read the Scripture and post comments and insights also. If you cannot read all of the Scripture for a day, just read some of it and follow along. The main thing is to get the Word of God in you and to allow the Holy Spirit to bring that word to bear on your life and your situation. I look forward to the ride ahead. I will post the readings for the whole week.
Monday, November 2 - John 7:37-53; 2 Peter 1:1-21; Job 1; Ezekiel 1-3
Tuesday, - John 8:1-11; 2 Peter 2:1-9; Job 2; Ezekiel 4-8
Wednesday - John 8:12-20, 2 Peter 2:10-16; Job 3; Ezekiel 9-12
Thursday - John 8:21-30; 2 Peter 2:17-22; Job 4; Ezekiel 13-15
Friday - John 8:31-47; 2 Peter 3:1-9; Job 5; Ezekiel 16
Saturday - John 8:48-59; 2 Peter 3:10-18; Job 6; Ezekiel 17-19
Sunday - John 9:1-12; I John 1:1-4; Job 7; Ezekiel 20-21
There it is. Remember, if you can't read it all, focus on certain passages. If you fall behind, there will be makeup days at the end of every month. Focus on praying for the Spirit to speak to your heart through the passage. Write down what He speaks and respond to Him. As the Word moves into our life, the Lord will begin to work in mighty ways and begin to transform us acording to His will. Join the challenge with me.
- I apologize for being a day late and a dollar shor...
- Happy Wednesday! Almost one week to Thanksgiving ...
- Good Monday to all. Here is the reading list for ...
- Friday is here and I hope everyone has had a produ...
- Unexplainable Moments
- I was reading a devotion this morning from David J...
- New Schedule For the week
- "Then they will know that I am the Lord." As God ...
- I love the truths that are presented in the first ...
- Good Morning everyone,I know it has been awhile si...

- bradmarchman
- I am the husband of a wonderful wife Casey and the father of three beautiful children, Brady, Griffin, and Mary Beth. I am the pastor of Lawrence Drive Baptist Church in Macon, Georgia and I hope this blog can provide some joy and encouragement for you.
Blog Archive
- I apologize for being a day late and a dollar shor...
- Happy Wednesday! Almost one week to Thanksgiving ...
- Good Monday to all. Here is the reading list for ...
- Friday is here and I hope everyone has had a produ...
- Unexplainable Moments
- I was reading a devotion this morning from David J...
- New Schedule For the week
- "Then they will know that I am the Lord." As God ...
- I love the truths that are presented in the first ...
- Good Morning everyone,I know it has been awhile si...
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Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday - John 13:12-17, Jude 1-7; Job 21:1-21; Daniel 7-8
Tuesday - John 13:18-30; Jude 8-16; Job 21:22-34; Daniel 9
Wednesday - John 13:31-38; Jude 17-25; Job 22; Daniel 10-12
Thursday - Sunday is for catch up or review or more reflection on the passages already read. Have a great week.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
I hope the Lord is speaking to you through His Word. What is He saying to you? I would love for you to share with me how the Lord has been working.
As I was reading in John this week, I was reading about Mary and Martha talking to Jesus after Lazarus had died. In John 11:38 - 40, Martha is telling Jesus that it is hopeless. They can't move the stone because Lazarus already stinks.(v 39) It is amazing Jesus' response. "Didn't I tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God?"
What a powerful thought that in the face of difficult times, God is getting ready to reveal His glory. I believe, I am trusting Him to move in the midst of difficult situations to show His glory. Are you believing? Are you ready to see the glory of God in your life? I hope that is your great desire.
Random thought of the day: It doesn't matter so much who you are when everyone is around if you don't live well when no one is.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Monday - John 11:38-44, I John 3:19-24; Job 15:1-16; Ezekiel 40-41
Tuesday - John 11:45-57; I John 4:1-6; Job 15:17-35; Ezekiel 42-44
Wednesday - John 12:1-11; I John 4:7-21; Job 16; Ezekiel 45-47
Thursday - John 12:12-19; I John 5:1-12; Job 17; Ezekiel 48
Friday - John 12:20-36; I John 5:13-21; Job 18; Daniel 1-2
Saturday - John 12:37-50; 2 John; Job 19; Daniel 3-4
Sunday - John 13:1-11; 3 John; Job 20; Daniel 5-6
Happy reading. Look for a post soon.
Friday, November 13, 2009
For us what Job was saying is that the "Sunday School" answer is not always what is needed. What Zophar needed to do was not regurgitate all of his knowledge to Job, he needed to get down and feel Job's pain and empathize with a hurting friend. Zophar had no idea of the depth of pain and emotion Job was dealing with and his piousness was no good for Job. How often do we callously deal with others who are going through difficult times without ever trying to get a sense of where they are or what they are going through. Many times in painful situations a friend might need us to bind their wounds and ease their pain much more than they need our advice.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Unexplainable Moments
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
New Schedule For the week
I should have probably posted the weekly schedule yesterday, so you could be ready for the new week. I will try to do that next week. I hope you are being blessed and encouraged through the readings. Once again, I want to remind you that you do not have to read all of the suggested readings to participate. The main goal is to get what you read into your heart and let the Lord speak to you through His Word. I would love to hear comments and insights from you as you read.
Monday - John 9:13-25, I John 1:5-10; Job 9:1-20; Ezekiel 24-26
Tuesday - John 9:26-41; I John 2:1-11; Job 9:21-35; Ezekiel 27-28
Wednesday - John 10:1-10; I John 2:12-17; Job 10; Ezekiel 29-30
Thursday - John 10:11-21; I John 2:18-23; Job 11; Ezekiel 31-32
Friday - John 10:22-42; I John 2:24-29; Job 12; Ezekiel 33-34
Saturday - John 11:1-16; I John 3:1-10; Job 13; Ezekiel 35-37
Sunday - John 11:17-37; I John 3:11-18; Job 14; Ezekiel 38-39
I look forward to hearing from you this week. Remember, the Word is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword. Get His Word into you and He will begin to transform us!
Love in the Lord,
Friday, November 6, 2009
Today, as God's children, we have a choice. Will we see the majesty of God through how He moves and works powerfully through us, or will He have to show us by His judgement because we have put other "idols" ahead of Him? Choose today to walk with Him, remove all other allegiances, and see His glory displayed in your life.
PS - you can post comments now!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
In John 7, Jesus encourages all who are thirsty to come to Him and drink. He promises in verse 38 that streams of living water will flow from him - that the Holy Spirit will flow out of us who are His. John 8:12, Jesus says "I am the light of the world, anyone who follows after me will NEVER walk in darkness, but have the light of life." It ties together with 2 Peters reading. In chapter 1:3-11 is a great passage of promise for living in Christ's way. Verse 3 says His divine power has given us everything required for life and godliness. What great and precious promises the Lord gives to allow us to partake in the divine nature.
Do you believe this? We must take the Word at its word. We must speak the Word into our life, to burn it upon our hearts and to allow it to have its work in us. All the promises of God are true. We must accept them and walk in them. What a wonderful promise we see in these words.
I encourage all of you to read the Word. Remember, you don't have to read all of the suggested readings, but get the Word in you so that you can be transformed, that yo0ur mind can be renewed.
Love to all,
Monday, November 2, 2009
I know it has been awhile since my last blog, but I am back on task! I have challenged the members of my church to be more into the revealed Word of God, the Bible, and to allow the Holy Spirit to illuminate the Word to them. In order to help all of us, beginning today I will be posting daily Scripture readings. I will be posting blogs a few times a week on the Scripture for the day. I would love for all of you to read the Scripture and post comments and insights also. If you cannot read all of the Scripture for a day, just read some of it and follow along. The main thing is to get the Word of God in you and to allow the Holy Spirit to bring that word to bear on your life and your situation. I look forward to the ride ahead. I will post the readings for the whole week.
Monday, November 2 - John 7:37-53; 2 Peter 1:1-21; Job 1; Ezekiel 1-3
Tuesday, - John 8:1-11; 2 Peter 2:1-9; Job 2; Ezekiel 4-8
Wednesday - John 8:12-20, 2 Peter 2:10-16; Job 3; Ezekiel 9-12
Thursday - John 8:21-30; 2 Peter 2:17-22; Job 4; Ezekiel 13-15
Friday - John 8:31-47; 2 Peter 3:1-9; Job 5; Ezekiel 16
Saturday - John 8:48-59; 2 Peter 3:10-18; Job 6; Ezekiel 17-19
Sunday - John 9:1-12; I John 1:1-4; Job 7; Ezekiel 20-21
There it is. Remember, if you can't read it all, focus on certain passages. If you fall behind, there will be makeup days at the end of every month. Focus on praying for the Spirit to speak to your heart through the passage. Write down what He speaks and respond to Him. As the Word moves into our life, the Lord will begin to work in mighty ways and begin to transform us acording to His will. Join the challenge with me.