Good Monday to all. Here is the reading list for this week :
Monday - John 11:38-44, I John 3:19-24; Job 15:1-16; Ezekiel 40-41
Tuesday - John 11:45-57; I John 4:1-6; Job 15:17-35; Ezekiel 42-44
Wednesday - John 12:1-11; I John 4:7-21; Job 16; Ezekiel 45-47
Thursday - John 12:12-19; I John 5:1-12; Job 17; Ezekiel 48
Friday - John 12:20-36; I John 5:13-21; Job 18; Daniel 1-2
Saturday - John 12:37-50; 2 John; Job 19; Daniel 3-4
Sunday - John 13:1-11; 3 John; Job 20; Daniel 5-6
Happy reading. Look for a post soon.
- I apologize for being a day late and a dollar shor...
- Happy Wednesday! Almost one week to Thanksgiving ...
- Good Monday to all. Here is the reading list for ...
- Friday is here and I hope everyone has had a produ...
- Unexplainable Moments
- I was reading a devotion this morning from David J...
- New Schedule For the week
- "Then they will know that I am the Lord." As God ...
- I love the truths that are presented in the first ...
- Good Morning everyone,I know it has been awhile si...

- bradmarchman
- I am the husband of a wonderful wife Casey and the father of three beautiful children, Brady, Griffin, and Mary Beth. I am the pastor of Lawrence Drive Baptist Church in Macon, Georgia and I hope this blog can provide some joy and encouragement for you.
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- I apologize for being a day late and a dollar shor...
- Happy Wednesday! Almost one week to Thanksgiving ...
- Good Monday to all. Here is the reading list for ...
- Friday is here and I hope everyone has had a produ...
- Unexplainable Moments
- I was reading a devotion this morning from David J...
- New Schedule For the week
- "Then they will know that I am the Lord." As God ...
- I love the truths that are presented in the first ...
- Good Morning everyone,I know it has been awhile si...
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Monday, November 16, 2009
Monday - John 11:38-44, I John 3:19-24; Job 15:1-16; Ezekiel 40-41
Tuesday - John 11:45-57; I John 4:1-6; Job 15:17-35; Ezekiel 42-44
Wednesday - John 12:1-11; I John 4:7-21; Job 16; Ezekiel 45-47
Thursday - John 12:12-19; I John 5:1-12; Job 17; Ezekiel 48
Friday - John 12:20-36; I John 5:13-21; Job 18; Daniel 1-2
Saturday - John 12:37-50; 2 John; Job 19; Daniel 3-4
Sunday - John 13:1-11; 3 John; Job 20; Daniel 5-6
Happy reading. Look for a post soon.
1 comment:
- Unknown said...
Good Morning To All,
In 1 John 4:19 it says
We love because He first loved us.
What an amazing verse. In that short little 7 word verse, there is a truth that rings louder than any bell ever could! God loved us and loved us FIRST! Because of His love for us, we are able to love others as He does. If I take it one step further…He loved ME first, me…can you imagine that?!?! Now if that wasn’t insight enough for me today in verses 20-21 it says…
If someone says, "I love God," and hates his brother, he is a liar; for the one who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen. And this commandment we have from Him, that the one who loves God should love his brother also.
In my reading I got such a wonderful feeling knowing that He loves me, but then came verses 20-21…the UH-OH moment. Yes, I Love God, but I haven’t always loved everyone else. I read and reread these verses over and over and there is no way around it. God has commanded me to love others as He loves them. I know that it won’t be easy to change my life long pattern of me choosing who to love and who I choose not to love, (like I could ever be better at choosing than God!) but with His help, I know that I can and will be able to love as He loves.
What a blessing reading these verses today. What a life-altering commandment to follow!
Have a Blessed Day~Linda -
November 18, 2009 at 9:16 AM