Day #9  

Posted by bradmarchman

A new week has begun and I am glad to be home from North Carolina safely. I hope each of you is doing great in your fast. Remember, the most important thing is giving the Lord opportunity to speak to you by spending more time in the Word and more time in prayer. As we focus our hearts solely on Him, He will work in our lives and in our church powerfully.
Iv'e been thinking about the passage in Acts 2 today where it describes the new believers after the 3000 had been added to the Kingdom. In verses 42-47 it describes the new believer's lives and how they interacted with one another. It was a whole new way of life for the new converts, all of their priorities changed and they became a life transformed, transformational community.
It all begins with Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit to change their life. As they were ushered into the Kingdom, you see the difference that came about in their lifestyle - devoted to teaching, daily met, gave as anyone had need, gladness, simplicity of hearts - there was a depth of relationship there only God could bring that many times is missing from church today. The Greek word for this type of fellowship among believers is koininia. It is a group of believers sharing the life of Christ with one another on a deep and abiding level.
I want you to notice one other thing, however. Their koininia was turned outward. The Lord was adding to their number daily those who were being saved. They were outwardly focused, desiring everyone to get in on what God was doing.
Many times as believers we like the idea of koininia, but we want it with just our friends and we attempt to build great relationships and tight bonds. If the outward element is missing, however, we will never get there.

This entry was posted on Monday, January 18, 2010 at 10:06 AM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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